Who Is At Fault For A T-Bone Accident?

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Your Case. Your Attorneys. Every day, people are injured in accidents and scenarios that are not their fault. In many of these situations, the injured party is due compensation for their injuries and the associated medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. To help them recover these damages, they hire a specific type of attorney known as a personal injury attorney. Personal injury law is unique and nuanced. Proving that you are not at fault for the incident and that you deserve compensation can be difficult, which is why you really need the help of these professionals. Learn more about personal injury attorneys and their jobs on this website.


T-bone accidents can cause serious injuries that you can recover in an auto accident lawsuit. Here are some common causes of these accidents and how an auto accident lawyer can help you prove your case.

Red Light Runners

T-bone accidents often occur when drivers run red lights, putting themselves and others at risk. A driver who enters an intersection against a red light is usually considered at fault, but the at-fault driver will often claim that they had the green light, not you.

Proving fault in these cases requires gathering evidence such as witness testimony and surveillance footage. Eyewitness accounts can provide important details about the sequence of events leading up to the collision, while surveillance footage can offer visual proof of the red light violation. This evidence is essential in establishing liability so that you can receive full compensation for your injuries.

Failure to Yield

Another common cause of T-bone accidents is failure to yield the right of way at an uncontrolled intersection. When a driver fails to yield at an intersection, they can collide with vehicles traveling through the intersection lawfully often at a high rate of speed.

Establishing fault in such cases relies on intersection right-of-way rules and traffic laws. These rules determine who has the right to proceed first. You'll also need to gather evidence showing who broke the rules such as witness testimony, videos of the accident, or a police accident investigation report.

Stop Sign Violations

T-bone accidents can also occur when drivers disregard stop signs. When a driver fails to come to a complete stop or completely ignores a stop sign, they jeopardize the safety of others at the intersection. Many of these accidents happened when one driver assumed the other would stop but that driver didn't have a stop sign.

Proving fault in stop sign violation cases involves examining factors such as who had the right of way and whether one of the drivers may have been distracted. Police reports, eyewitness accounts, and physical evidence like skid marks can play a vital role in determining who violated the stop sign and caused the accident.

Improper Turns

Improper turns can contribute to T-bone accidents as well. When drivers make incorrect turns, such as failing to yield while making a left turn, it can result in a collision with oncoming vehicles.

Analyzing factors like signaling, lane position, and speed helps establish fault in these cases. Driver statements, traffic camera footage, and expert opinions can provide valuable evidence to determine if a driver's improper turn led to the T-bone accident. For more information, contact a personal injury lawyer near you.

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